Sunday, October 12, 2008


That’s where the rubber meets the road.

People ask me if I’d like to write that breakthrough book so I can give up my day job. My paycheck is my passion. So is writing.

Can a person have two passions? I own an employment agency (The Hire Solution) that helps people, mainly women, find jobs. I have been an employment counselor for thirty years and I can’t imagine not helping people find new jobs.

I’ve been writing for longer than thirty years; published since 2003. Even when I wasn’t earning money with my writing I still wrote. That’s passion, or stubbornness.

When people say they’ve read my books and enjoyed them, I grin from ear to ear. How lovely to get paid to give people a few hours of enjoyment.

When I find a job for someone, I change their lives. Sometimes I get a card like the one that said, “Not only did you find me a job but you helped me get my self worth back.” The single mom I placed two weeks before Christmas, thanked me because now that she knew she had a job she could afford to buy her kids Christmas gifts.

That made my soul smile.

In July, Today’s Chicago Woman Magazine did an article about women who balance work and home and passion. I was thrilled to be included.

Luisa Buehler

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